I have known Tam for many years, and the qualities I most associate with her, in her work and all aspects of her life, are passion, courage, creativity, intuition and humour. She delights in the unfolding adventure of her own life, and in the lives of those she works with. I have had individual sessions with Tam and taken part in her workshops, and I have always left feeling inspired and enriched. The insights I gained have often stayed with me for years.Hope in the Heart has emerged through Tam trusting in her process and in the synchronicity of events around her. The central theme is simple but profound. By encouraging us to find our personal symbols of hope she invites us to empower ourselves and to allow our past experiences of pain to re-emerge, transformed, and open our hearts. We can then move forward as stronger, more compassionate human beings. In this way we start to understand how we are all connected and how, by being true to ourselves, every one of us can make a difference.