Hope in the Heart's images of What Hope Looks Like have been created and contributed by participants of our projects, all of whom are survivors of life's challenges, eager to transform their experiences for their own healing and the benefit of others. The images are anonymous gifts from their hearts to the hearts of strangers who might be inspired towards positive change by the message of hope that lies within each creation.
See the gallery for more images from the collection.
To Create an Image for the Collection:
Think about a time that you have felt hurt, alone, afraid or broken-hearted. Remember that feeling, at a level that is comfortable for you, and try to remember what gave you the strength to move on towards a new future.. Was it a person who was kind or inspired you, a beautiful sight or sound, a spiritual faith, a sense of purpose, or something else? Allow a picture to form of what that feeling, thing or person looks like to you, and, without judging what you see or your artistic ability, draw or paint an image to represent it. It might just be a colour or a shape, and it might not appear as you want it to. That does not matter. It does not need to be a work of art. Just an image of hope from your heart to a world that needs to be inspired by hope! .
More Info.......
The following is an excerpt from the plea I sent out in October 2012, which constituted the birth of Hope in the Heart. Below it you can see some of the images created in response........
........"I would like to hear from any willing survivor of life’s challenges who can hold a pencil or paintbrush or cut out pictures from a magazine. You don’t have to be an artist - although artists will be warmly welcomed too! The idea is to get a collection of images together, from hearts that have been bruised or broken and found hope; initially to take to the people of Hiroshima, and in the longer term to inspire and encourage anyone who is struggling and may benefit from a communication from the hearts of others who have overcome adversity. Whatever our cultural background, age or nationality, there is no difference at this heart level. We can all experience despair and find courage in hope. These images will transcend division and illuminate the common bond of humanity we all share. When we are in despair, images can speak to us where words may fail, and these images of hope from the hearts of survivors of all kinds might just ignite the spark of hope needed to facilitate healing and renewal in those who have not yet found a way to do so for themselves. Finding and creating our image and setting it free to carry its message to others can only be a further step towards our own, and humanity’s, healing, so everybody wins! Click here to Read full article If you would like to create an image for the Hope in the Heart Collection,click herefor guidelines